Page 3 - Fall Access 2016
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Tips for managing the challenges of caregiving
Caring for an aging loved one can start off simply. At first they might just need help with big chores. As times goes by, though, needs may increase from occasional to every day. This is the time to assess what you can continue to manage and where you need help.
Helping a loved one age at home comfortably can be incredibly rewarding, but it also requires a great deal of time, flexibility and patience. Caregivers may find they have little personal time, difficulties with changes in family dynamics, financial burdens, and unexpected challenges. All this can add up to stress.
If you’re new to caregiving or have been doing it a while, here are some tips that may help:
•Make time for yourself
It’s tough to be a great caregiver if your own physical and emotional needs aren’t being met. You may wish there were more hours in the day to get everything done, let alone find time for yourself. Before you become too caught up in the situation or exhausted, consider asking family members or friends if they can help or look into respite care.
•Get organized
There usually isn’t enough time in the day to complete all caregiving tasks and personal responsibilities, so tools like to-do lists, calendars and reminders can help you stay organized and on track. If you’re managing financial, healthcare
or legal information for a loved one, a well-organized folder system is a good idea.
•Make sleep a priority
Don’t ignore sleep deprivation. You may find you need help with your loved one’s overnight care. In addition to getting help, continue to exercise regularly, get out in the sunshine, watch your diet, and have pre-sleep routine to help you sleep better.
•Focus on what you can control
You’ve heard the song about letting it go? One of the biggest challenges of caregiving is accepting that many things are out of your control. Bad days will happen and the health of the person you’re caring for may deteriorate over time, but don’t feel guilty. Instead, focus on what you can control and are accomplishing. If you’re ever tempted to think negatively, think of all the things you’re doing right.
•Encourage independence
Promoting independence is a critical part of providing good care. It helps your loved one feel more like the two of you are working together. You might look into classes or apps to support your loved one’s cognitive skills. This may help them to stay sharp and involved. And, if they want to continue minor household tasks, let them. This kind of teamwork is empowering, encouraging and built on mutual respect.
•Take good care of yourself
Let’s face it, you may find yourself in more than your fair share of doctors’ offices and hospitals. Couple that with the health problems and weaker immune systems of older adults, the stress of caregiving and sleep deprivation, and you can easily find yourself vulnerable to illness. Be sure to wash your hands and keep your loved one’s living space clean, for your health and theirs. Consider preventative measures like flu shots and annual check-ups. And of course, get your rest, eat healthfully and exercise.
•Don’t be afraid to ask for help
When you’re in the midst of long-term or difficult caregiving, you can feel overwhelmed. You might feel you’re alone and have no options, but there are resources available. It’s okay to seek out and talk with like-minded caregivers. It’s ok to ask family and friends for help in caregiving responsibility. It’s ok to ask for and get help. Creating a support network is important for your loved one and you.
These tips you should help you to manage the stress of caregiving.
Don’t forget that when you need the extra hands to help, SameAddress offers personalized respite care plans to provide relief to caregivers. Whether you need occasional support for a temporary break, someone to work alongside you each day, or comprehensive, full-time care, contact SameAddress at 1-866-SENIOR-1 (866 736-4671) or visit us at

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